Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yay I finally started my blog!

This could be dangerous everyone… just a warning, I am now outside the confines of 140 spaces with Twitter and really going to start putting my own take on life and work, here online. I’ll be talking about relationships (past and present), my movie and web shoots, events that I promote, host/MC, and gogo dancing gigs… pretty much everything going on or projects that I have planned or completed. Hell, there may be a drunken post (or worse) as well… who knows?! Stay tuned!

So lets kick this off!

Tomorrow (January 18, 2010) I start filming my 5th film for Channel 1 Releasing/Chi Chi LaRue. I spent this afternoon with my buds Rob Romoni and Steve Daigle helping me get all pretty for tomorrow… well have my wardrobe all set up for my shoot. We laughed and laughed… and talked about the ‘Gay 4 Pay’ discussion currently going on within the porn blogs… Thank God this shifted the spotlight from my recently dissolved relationship with Dawson Riley.G4P4L

I am truly excited for this week to kick off! Movie with one of my best friends Chi Chi; working my nights which are doing AMAZING thanks to ALL that have been attending and making my job a true joy to go to every week; TigerHeat (where I got my start) on Thursday and then back to Arizona for BS West on Friday and Saturday night with my girl Mandi Boom Boom, my bff Lex Sabre, my ASU bestie David, Zack Pearce, Brock, Hunter Long, Phillip Ashton, Tom and MANY, MANY others! The last few weeks I have loved the AZ crowds and BS West, I’m so happy to have the ability to go there so often! Lex and I look forward to our trips out there and ALWAYS have so much fun!

Ok, so I am sure you all would like me to talk more about Dawson and all that happened. Well, I will say that I still love him deeply and yes, saddened by the events that surrounded everything. However everything I needed to say is in the statement I provided to Zach and Unzipped Media, I know MANY would like me to expand on this but I will not. Dawson is accepting responsibility and doing what HE FEELS is right. NO ONE should fault him for doing that at all. I will continue to love, support him and his family, and stand by him as a friend whenever he wants me to. I hope that I have the opportunity to be his friend again and in some way be a friend to his wife and child as well. Yes, my heart will heal eventually and I will move on, but for now its a day by day process in which I am beginning to recover from… Miss ya bubbas…

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With that all out of the way… MOVING FORWARD!!! More tomorrow!

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